Thursday May 19th, 2016. Nazareth usually has their senior awards ceremony on Friday. They allowed us to present our scholarship on Thursday after their Baccalaureate Mass. This was a moving ceremony that included a blessing by the alumni of the graduating class, there were many songs and much joyous music.
John presented scholarships to two members of the Nazareth Academy class of 2016. A $1500 scholarship renewable for four years.
Our first recipient was a three sport athlete for 3 out of 4 years, playing on Tennis and Soccer teams all four years.
We noticed the 11 different community service experiences listed on her application. Quoting from the essay: “There is one (community service experience) that sticks out to me the most: Pool Pals. Pool Pals provides children who have suffered brain injuries the opportunity to receive aquatic therapy once a month. I was fortunate enough to work with a girl named Hope …. I will never forget the first day I carried Hope into the water…. In that moment, I knew that Hope and I understood each other and I couldn’t help but smile for the entire two hours. I realized I made a difference in Hope’s life, but Hope had made even more of a difference in mine.”
The first KJO Memorial Scholarship recipient who reflects Kelli’s spirit of both doing good and doing well is Lily Franko (dark hair in the pictures).
Our second recipient, also a three sport athlete for three years, she was captain of the cross country team, and has taken the team’s motto “Chase your dreams” to heart.
Her essay goes on to say: “This past summer, I chased my own dream of becoming a Day Camp Counselor at Camp Tecumseh. This summer was amazing, yet it was also challenging. For the first time, camp was not all about me.”
Kelli loved Camp Tecumseh and attended week 8 for six years in a row. Now the foundation provides one scholarship during week 8 every year. CampTecumseh made a big difference in Kelli’s life. It helped shape her into the caring person she became.
A final quote from the essay: “Kelli’s light, love and compassion continues to shine through this scholarship, and to be a small part of that would be a true honor. This scholarship embodies the idea of chasing dreams and encouraging others…”
The KJO Memorial Foundation is pleased to recognize an outstanding young lady Brenna Fritzsche (light curly hair in pictures).
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